Does Medicare Cover Hearing Aids?

No, Original Medicare will not cover the cost of hearing aids. As of now, routine hearing care is not covered under Original Medicare, although Medicare may cover certain diagnostic tests ordered by a physician. When you need a hearing aid, you will be responsible for paying the full cost of the device and fittings.

Medicare Hearing Aid Coverage

Medicare will not cover hearing aids or exams for fitting hearing aids. As the Medicare beneficiary, you pay the full cost for hearing aids and these exams.

In 1965, the Medicare Act excluded the coverage of hearing aids. They were determined to be routinely needed and low in cost, so they decided that Medicare beneficiaries would be the ones to pay for hearing aids. In 2019, H.R. 4056 was introduced, making Medicare pay for certain audiological services. Today, there is still no assistance from Original Medicare for beneficiaries who need hearing aids.

Does Medicare Cover Hearing Tests?

Medicare will cover certain balance tests and hearing exams when ordered by a physician for diagnostic purposes. You cannot seek out a hearing test without a written order from a physician, or it will not be covered, and you will have to pay for the test yourself.

Medicare Advantage Plan Hearing Aid Coverage

When you are enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B, you can sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan that covers your area. These plans are administered by private health insurance companies that Medicare has approved to handle your coverage. Under a Medicare Advantage plan, you are covered for the same services, tests and items as under Original Medicare, Part A and Part B.

Medicare Advantage plans can also offer coverage to fill some of the gaps in Medicare. They do this by providing additional benefits packages that you pay a separate monthly premium for. Some commonly offered benefits include hearing, dental, vision, and prescription drug coverage.

Hearing coverage through a Medicare Advantage plan will subsidize the cost of your hearing aids and exams to fit them. Check with a plan to ensure that it offers sufficient hearing coverage before you sign up.

Paying for Hearing Care

Although Medicare may not help with your hearing care costs, Medicaid may be able to help. To qualify for Medicaid, you must meet income and resource requirements set by your state and the federal government. Benefits differ by state, but you may be able to access care for a reduced price.

If you are looking to fill the gaps in Medicare or find coverage for your specific needs, speak with the Medicare agents at Magellan Healthcare. Our team is dedicated to finding you the right coverage that works for you.