Annual Enrollment

You can only enroll in Medicare coverage during specific times. These times are called enrollment periods. The Annual Enrollment Period is one enrollment period that occurs every year between October 15 and December 7. During this period, you can make a variety of changes to your Medicare coverage.

What is the Annual Enrollment Period?

The Annual Enrollment Period is a set time each year that is to be used for changing your Medicare coverage choices. The period runs from October 15 to December 7 each year. The changes you are allowed to make depend on your current coverage.

What Changes Can I Make During Annual Enrollment?

You can’t enroll in Original Medicare during Annual Enrollment, though you can switch from Medicare Advantage to an Original Medicare plan. If you currently have Original Medicare, which consists of Parts A and B, you can join a Medicare Advantage plan. The plan you join can have a prescription drug plan built in if you choose.

If you prefer to keep Original Medicare, you can also use this time to enroll in a Part D prescription drug plan. If you don’t like your current Part D plan, you can switch plans or drop it. You cannot join a Part D prescription drug plan if you are enrolled in Medicare Advantage. Also, if you don’t make any changes during the Annual Enrollment Period, your coverage will renew as is.

Join a Medicare Advantage Plan Today

As the Annual Enrollment Period approaches, you may be wondering which Medicare Advantage plan you are going to enroll in. Don’t make the decision all on your own. Contact Magellan Healthcare to start collecting quotes on Advantage plans in your area.