Top 3 Mistakes Insurance Agents Make And How To Fix Them

Novice insurance agents can learn to fix these 3 common mistakes with attention, time and humility.

Not Listening to Client Needs

Starting with the first clients who walk in your door, you need to start building these relationships. Retaining the original clients is a great way to get a financial standing and start to bring in referrals, so you need to do your best to satisfy these clients. You can do that by putting their needs first.

Understanding your clients’ needs comes when you take the time to thoughtfully listen and empathize with them. You will learn to ask questions tactfully, especially when you speak about personal health or financial information. Use your customer service skills to make clients comfortable and get to know their priorities for a health plan. When you truly understand their health care needs and their financial targets, you can most accurately help them compare their choices and suggest plans they may not have thought of themselves.

When it comes to listening, remember to let the client speak without focusing on what you plan to say next. Let them lead the conversation and they can show you what they need in an insurance plan.

Not Educating Yourself

Especially in health insurance, plans change all the time! Not only do you need to educate yourself in the tools and training surrounding the products and insurance sales, but you also need to be familiar with new updates and benefits with the products you are selling. Dedicate time to learning the industry and reading up on news relevant to your products.

Don’t go it alone. You can learn a lot about becoming a successful insurance agent by simply asking for mentorship or having informational interviews with respected colleagues. Remember to ask for help and advice when you need it; this can be a good way to build connections in your team and among the industry.

It also helps to be aware of community happenings and remember milestones in your clients’ lives. Building relationships comes with taking the time to understand who your clients are as people and attempting to relate to them or express a common interest.

Not Staying Organized

If this is your first business, it would not be a surprise to find yourself taking on too many things and perhaps letting a few tasks slip to the wayside. Delegate and outsource tasks when you can afford to and when you know your time can be better spent on skills you’ve already mastered. Marketing is one area where you want to invest. Your business will be stronger when you target the right audience and reach them effectively.

Keep your head in the game. Stay focused on the goals of your business and learn from those who’ve gone through this ahead of you.