The Art of Client Education: Empowering Medicare Beneficiaries to Optimize Their Coverage

Medicare beneficiaries can make confident choices about their health plan costs and coverage when they have a more complete understanding of Medicare. As an independent insurance agent, you can provide some of that necessary education to strengthen the client relationship, boost your credibility and aid that client now and in the future.

Why Client Education Is Crucial

Build a foundation of trust.

Part of the road to credibility in the eyes of your clients comes from communicating at their preferred level of detail. If they’re asking questions about how Medicare works and what they can expect from their coverage, you had better be providing exactly the information they need to be informed. Give your clients the respect they deserve when you communicate with transparency about their policy choices and make the effort to educate them.

Act in the client’s best interest.

Medicare beneficiaries could very well sign up for Medicare plans without any outside assistance. The reason they come to an independent insurance agent for help is because you serve as a trusted advisor. Independent agents who educate their clients on the ins and outs of Medicare, or at the very least, the finer details of their new policies, show that they care for their community.

Empower your clients.

We feel more in control and in the loop when we have a more complete understanding of what we agree to. Medicare plans come with a year-long contract, and have a lot of implications for the beneficiary’s monthly budgets and expectations for customer service. Help them arm themselves with knowledge of how Medicare works and what they should expect from their plan.

How to Educate Medicare Clients

Create informative content.

Most of us do our research before making big purchases. Health insurance with a year-long commitment certainly falls into the category of worth-investing-time-to-research. Independent Medicare sales agents can help fulfill this need for education when they produce educational marketing content.

Marketing content is not all about ads and sales pitches. In fact, that can perform poorly if you build your entire online preserve with content geared toward making a sale. Instead you should create informative blogs, videos or other posts that can help your clients and potential clients better understand Medicare. Even if you do not see a direct correlation in your sales, the community service you perform when you make this information available in an easy-to-understand format will help your neighbors and boost your reputation as a trusted advisor.

For more business best practices or to learn more from a network of independent Medicare insurance agents, speak with the team at Magellan Healthcare Partners.