Medicare now covers acupuncture, but only to treat chronic low back pain. You can receive up to 20 treatments in a 12-month period.
Medicare did not use to cover acupuncture for any condition. In January 2020, Medicare began to cover acupuncture as a treatment for chronic lower back pain. The adoption of the treatment was in part a measure to introduce a nonopioid avenue for pain management.
Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is a type of Chinese medicine that can relieve pain. The practitioner applies needles to specific areas of the body during the procedure, leading to the release of pain-relieving chemicals. Acupuncture has been used to relieve people suffering from cancer, allergies, depression, anxiety, headaches, pain, and more. The pain-relieving effects of acupuncture can last for several months.
Medicare Covers Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain
Medicare Part B covers acupuncture to treat chronic lower back pain. You can receive up to 12 sessions of acupuncture in a 90-day period. If you experience an improvement in your symptoms, Medicare will cover you for an additional eight sessions. Only 20 sessions will be covered in a 12-month period.
The acupuncture must be administered by a physician to be covered by Medicare or be administered by a physician assistant (PA), nurse practitioner, or healthcare professional.
Other Covered Services for Back Pain
Low back pain can also be treated with chiropractic services if there is a subluxation diagnosis (the bones of the spine have been moved out of place). Physical therapy is also a covered service under Medicare that can help with your low back pain if your doctor has deemed the therapy medically necessary.
You will not be covered under Medicare for massage therapy, homeopathy, or chiropractic services that are not being performed to treat a subluxation.
Medicare Part B Coverage
Medicare Part B is the outpatient medical insurance side of Medicare, and it covers medically necessary and preventive treatments. Acupuncture treatments will cost you 20% of the Medicare-approved amount once you have met your yearly Part B deductible.
Medicare Advantage plans cover acupuncture as well. These Part C plans will also give you the same coverage as Original Medicare (Part A and B).
The team at Magellan Healthcare specializes in all aspects of Medicare. We are here to help you sort through your Medicare plan options and find the coverage that works just right for you. Contact our agents today to schedule your appointment.