Can I Make Medicare Changes Outside Of The Annual Enrollment Period?

If you have Medicare benefits, there have likely been times when you have wanted to make changes to your coverage. Yet, you may have encountered an issue when trying to do so. Usually, you need to wait until the appropriate enrollment period occurs if you want to make changes, but there are also Special Enrollment Periods where changes are allowed.

If you need to make changes outside of the primary enrollment periods, here is what you need to know. 

What is Annual Enrollment?

Annual Enrollment is a period that allows Medicare beneficiaries to change their coverage if they like. They do so by switching from one plan to another. You can even go from Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage if you want. The period starts on October 15th and ends on December 7th. 

What Changes Can I Make?

There are several actions you can take when Annual Enrollment begins. Some of the actions you can take include:

  • Switching from an Advantage plan to Original Medicare
  • Switching from one Advantage plan to another one
  • Changing from Original Medicare to an Advantage plan
  • Switch from one Part D prescription drug plan to another
  • Drop your current Part D prescription drug plan
  • Purchase a Part D plan if you are not currently enrolled in one

What if Annual Enrollment has Ended?

If you want to make certain changes, such as switching to a new Medicare Advantage plan, you can do so during Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment. This period starts in January and ends in March. Though, you are limited if you want to alter your Original Medicare coverage. 

If you need to make changes to an Original Medicare plan, you would instead need to qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. These periods are only granted based on special circumstances. For example, someone who recently moved to an area that their current plan does not serve can qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. 

When are Special Enrollment Periods?

A Special Enrollment Period can occur at any time of the year, as they are not a specific time. Instead, they are granted based on need and circumstances. To find out if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period, get in touch with a Medicare agent today. 

Make Changes to Your Medicare Plan

If you are not happy with your current Medicare benefits, but the Annual Enrollment Period has already passed, you may have options. To find out if you can qualify for a Special Enrollment Period, reach out to Magellan Healthcare. We can help you find out whether you will be able to change your plan soon. You can call us at 866-779-3553.