Best Practices for Selling Medicare Insurance to Baby Boomers

Build trust, be a credible source, and market for an online consumer to have success selling Medicare insurance to Baby Boomers.

Things to Remember When Selling Medicare to Baby Boomers

Emphasize Value

Medicare beneficiaries, and Baby Boomers especially, want to know that you are not selling them the same product you push on every client who walks in the door. Your approach should always be to highlight the differences between plans and to help the client see how each available plan measures up to their needs. It’s not about the features of each plan but about the value a particular plan could bring in the next year of coverage.

Act with Integrity

Demonstrate your trustworthiness with good posture, personable warmth in your greetings, healthy eye contact, and a smile. Trust also comes with good business practices and taking the steps to keep client information secure.

Communicate Promptly

Be respectful of your clients’ time and make them feel valued when you respond to all communications in a timely fashion. You can go a step further and take note of important life events and anniversaries for each client, using these notes to bring a personal touch during the next appointment or to send a simple card or email to celebrate special occasions. 

Best Practices for Selling

Market Where Baby Boomers Are

When you think of seniors, you might wrongly assume that they don’t know their way around computers. Remember that the newest group of Medicare-eligibles are Baby Boomers, who spend a great deal of time online. They’re connected, shop online, and can navigate online much more comfortably than the previous generation. Because of this, you can safely invest your marketing spend on social media platforms like Facebook and use digital ads to meet them where they are.

Make Sure Your Online Presence Is On Par

Anyone who spends a good deal of time on the internet will know when a website is old and broken. Make sure that your website, branding and account profiles are polished, easy to navigate and reflective of the brand image you want to convey.

Provide Educational Resources

One tip for building trust with Baby Boomers is to solidify your credibility. When you post informational blogs, helpful explanation videos, and useful resources, you act as a knowledgeable source that these potential clients know they can refer to when they have questions. Those pieces of content should avoid insurance jargon and focus on explaining concepts to a general audience without your industry knowledge. Take the time to create helpful content, cross-post it on your social media accounts, and you will be seen as a credible source when your potential clients need Medicare assistance.

Don’t Make Them Feel Old

Stock photos of posed seniors will not get the reaction you hope for. Add some life into your images by using action shots, if you must use images. Videos are even better for selling Medicare to Baby Boomers, especially for your website or social media. Remember that a portion of Medicare beneficiaries are under 65 and receive benefits due to a disability, so not everyone in your target demographic is in that age range. Be inclusive by occasionally using images that include individuals with a visible disability.